4 Telling Signs Your Diet Isn’t Working

4 Telling Signs Your Diet Isn’t Working

There are few things in life more discouraging than a diet that isn’t working. How frustrating is it to put in the effort to eat healthy and work out when you’re not seeing results? It doesn’t feel good to feel like you’re making the right choices and sacrificing things you enjoy, like skipping social happy hour cocktails and convenient fast-food options. It’s very possible, though, that your diet choices are the cause. There are 4 telling signs your diet is not working – and each problem has an easy solution.

Instead of working harder, let’s work together to diet smarter. These few simple, but telling, signs your diet isn’t working indicate that you might need to rebalance your diet, consume more specific macronutrients (fats, carbs, or proteins), or understand your body’s metabolic balance better. Let’s take a close look at the most common problems to find an easy solution together!

4 Telling Signs Your Diet Is Not Working:

You’re Always Hungry

Being on a diet doesn’t mean starving yourself – so if you’re feeling those tummy rumblings more than usual, something might be wrong. Being hungry throws off the body’s natural equilibrium and can be an indication that your metabolic balance is off. You’ll especially want to listen to your body if your hunger is related to intense cravings for specific types of foods. That could mean you’re not fueling yourself with the macronutrients your body needs.

Take a hard look at the combination of foods you’re consuming. You might be eating too many of the “wrong” foods and not enough of the “right” foods. Look to add a few whole foods that are nutrient-dense. Lean fats, high protein, and high fiber foods can help you feel full without consuming too many unhealthy fats and carbohydrates that spike your blood sugar.

You’re In a Bad Mood or Feel Unfocused

Paying attention to your mental state is an important way to monitor how well your diet plan is working. If you’re eating plan isn’t balanced for your metabolic type, you might find yourself more irritable than normal. This can also appear as brain fog, forgetfulness, inability to focus, depression, or anxiety.

First, make sure you’re consuming enough calories. You might be cutting out the calories and sacrificing important vitamins, like B12 and D, that help your brain work properly. You’ll also want to take a look at your macronutrient intake to see if you’re consuming more fats, carbs, or proteins than usual. It’s possible you’re not consuming enough proteins, you’re loading up on unhealthy fats, or you’re consuming more carbs than you’re used to.

You’re Tired or Lack Energy

This is one of the most common telling signs that your diet isn’t working. The problem can manifest in a few different ways: some might wake up feeling less rested than normal, while others hit a midafternoon slump. It might not even be about being tired. You might simply feel that you lack the energy to work out as often as you’d like. No matter how it shows up for you, being zapped of energy and feeling tired are signs that your diet isn’t working.

The solution might be as simple as increasing your protein intake. If you’re heavily relying on bread and grains, your blood sugar might drop faster than normal. Try incorporating some lean proteins, like these high-protein low-carb foods, into your diet. Healthy fats, like those found in salmon or avocados, might also help increase your energy levels.

You’re Not Making Progress or You Hit a Plateau

This is the most frustrating sign that something isn’t right in your diet plan – you just aren’t losing the weight like you expect. It might be working for the first week or even the first month, but then everything just falls apart. Or, you might think you’re doing everything right, and yet you don’t see a single pound drop off the scale.

Take a hard look at your habits and make sure you’re consistently following your diet plan. After all, losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit. You’re not doing yourself any favors if you’re following the plan on the weekdays but splurging on the weekends. If that’s the case, it’s time to rethink your eating plan and create something that will work for you seven days a week.

Your diet plan also might not be working for your body type. Certain fad diets require you to cut out specific food groups, which might lead to temporary weight loss. As soon as you add those foods back into your diet, you might find yourself going backwards. Consider switching to a more balanced diet filled with nutrient-dense foods that works for your metabolic type.

From this list of telling signs your diet isn’t working, it’s really up to you to make the changes you need to see progress. We’re here to help you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments with your specific problems. Together, we can come up with a great solution to help you hit your weight loss goals!

Source: www.skinnyms.com

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