5 Home remedies to reduce Wrinkles naturally

5 Home remedies to reduce Wrinkles naturally

Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They normally appear as people get older, but they can also develop after spending a long time in water… So, instead of battling them with expensive creams and medical procedures, why not give these natural remedies a try?

Egg whites:

Whip up several egg whites in a small bowl. Massage onto your skin, allowing to sit and dry at least 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and let the natural B vitamins and rich Vitamin E work their rejuvenating magic.

Olive oil:

Natural olive oil can help your skin stay soft and supple. Gently massage a few drops on your face before bedtime and rinse with a soft towel. You’ll wake to skin that’s soft and healthy looking.


Using your favorite gentle lotion, take a few minutes to give your face a massage with a firm but gentle touch. Focus on problem areas like your neck, under your eyes, and your forehead. For a treat, visit a reputable spa for a relaxing facial that concentrates on your problem areas.

Fruits and vegetables:

Fresh fruits and vegetables filled with Vitamins A and D will help to plump your skin and make it seem to glow from the inside. Sip on fresh vegetable juice from your local juice bar or make your own fresh fruit and vegetable drinks at home.

Lemon juice:

Slice a lemon and massage the juice into fine lines and wrinkles on your face. The acidity of lemon helps skin look brighter while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Breathe in deeply for the added aromatherapy bonus of fresh citrus to revive your senses.

Source: www.dzbreaking.com

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