Top 6 all natural cellulite home remedies

Top 6 all natural cellulite home remedies

I’ve tried to sum up some of the best natural cellulite remedies, organized in no specific order. If you’re suffering from cellulite right now (which is highly likely since you’re here looking for natural and home remedies for cellulite) then you’ll know how traumatic it can be. Fortunately, you can get rid of cellulite quite easily (and for good) with the natural cures we are about to list. And you don’t have to spend a fortune either!

Best at home cellulite remedies

What you will need is to invest a certain amount of time, money and effort if you want real results. The ultimate reward of being able to finally wear that short skirt or bikini (and actually feel comfortable showing off your body instead of covering it up) will certainly make it all worthwhile though.

1. Cellulite home remedy: Coffee Scrub and Wrap

Personal trainer and weight loss guru, Jillian Michaels, from Biggest Loser fame recommends coffee scrubs and wraps for reducing cellulite. The reason they work so well is because of the caffeine, which effectively increases blood flow and tightens and firms the skin. Coffee also exfoliates to quickly remove dead skin cells and regenerate new healthy cells.

  • So for anti cellulite coffee scrub here’s what you need to do:

Combine ¼ cup of good quality coffee grounds with three tablespoons of raw sugar and two tablespoons of melted organic coconut oil. Mix well to form a paste then store in a glass jar. Take a small amount then rub and massage firmly into the affected area for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Repeat this 3-5 times a week and continue until your cellulite is gone.

  • As for the anti cellulite coffee wrap you’ll need to:

Warm up ½ cup of coffee grounds and a dash of extra-virgin olive oil (enough to make a paste) by placing in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Evenly spread the mixture over your cellulite and then cover it with some plastic wrap. Leave on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. Do this 2-3 times a week for best results.

2. Cellulite home remedy: Hydration

Dehydration is definitely one of the main causes of cellulite. It gives the skin a shrivelled, aged and lumpy look that’s not attractive at all. Hydration, on the other hand, smooths the skins surface to give it a healthy glow and texture. Water also helps with detoxification. So start drinking, at the very minimum, eight to ten glasses of filtered water every day.

Try and drink your first two glasses first thing in the morning too, before you have anything to eat or drink. And be sure to add a slice or two of fresh lemon or cucumber (or both) to your water as well. Lemons and cucumber are powerful detoxifiers.

3. Cellulite home remedy: Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent and very effective natural remedy for cellulite. It contains the essential minerals potassium, magnesium and calcium, which all help to detox the body and remove excess fluid (retention). ACV also helps to build up the good bacteria in your stomach and colon. This not only improves your digestion and assimilation of food and nutrients, it also provides a further detox and cleanse by helping your body get rid of all the toxic crap (pardon the pun) that now needs to be removed. In addition, apple cider vinegar helps with brown fat metabolism (the main type of body fat) so it’s also an excellent weight loss and toning aid.

When you look to purchase your ACV, it’s important that you only buy the organic apple cider vinegar which still contains the “mother” apple (very important). This is ACV in its raw, unprocessed state. Never, ever use distilled or processed vinegars.

So there are two ways to use the apple cider vinegar for cellulite reduction. Firstly, (and most importantly) as an internal remedy, and secondly, as an external cellulite remedy.

For internal use, mix two tablespoons of ACV in a glass of warm, filtered water and drink five minutes before a meal. Repeat this process 3 times a day. You may also add a teaspoon of manuka honey to the mix if you find yourself struggling with the taste. The better option, however, may be to take the easy-to-swallow ACV capsules instead.

For external use, make an ACV body wrap by mixing apple cider vinegar and water in equal parts, then rubbing this solution on the affected area. Wrap the area(s) in plastic wrap and a warm towel for 1 hour before showering.

4. Cellulite home remedy: Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is definitely one of our favorite “cure all” remedies. There’s virtually nothing this powerful spice can’t help with. And cellulite reduction and weight loss are certainly at the top of its list!

Cayenne pepper is a strong thermogenic products, which means it heats up the body so it naturally burns calories (and fat). The other big benefit of cayenne pepper is it increases blood flow and circulation in the body (remember, poor circulation is another major cause of cellulite). And it’s also a very potent detoxifier as well!

So be sure to take ½-1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder twice daily and use it in your cooking as much as possible. Or, add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with one teaspoon of finely grated ginger and the juice from one freshly-squeezed lemon to a glass of warm water. Mix well and drink this twice daily. Be aware that cayenne pepper is hot, so if you struggle with the heat then the next best and easiest option may be taking cayenne pepper in capsule form.

5. Cellulite home remedy: Omega-3 and Vitamin D

The omega-3 essential fatty acid, along with vitamin D are crucial for balancing out hormones and stimulating brown fat metabolism (the fat you don’t want on your body!). They also activate the production of collagen and reduce inflammation throughout the body, both of which help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Best source of omega-3 and vitamin D is fermented cod liver oil. Evening primrose oil is also excellent, especially for women. In addition, getting out in the sun (for extra vitamin D) and eating plenty of omega-3 rich fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and tuna is also important.

6. Cellulite home remedy: Green Tea

The powerful antioxidants (catechins) in green tea fight off deadly free radicals and help remove toxins from the body. Green tea is also a potent thermogenic, so it helps you burn body fat (including cellulite fat) for energy. These two reasons make it a perfect natural remedy for cellulite. Try and aim for at least 3-4 cups a day for best results.


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